Wild Winds Buffalo Preserve

6975 N Ray Rd, Fremont, IN 46737
(260) 495-0137

About the Preserve

Wild Winds Buffalo Preserve is home to approximately 250 wild bison roaming over 400 acres that they claim as their home.

In mid May, the calving season begins with 40 to 50 proud mothers showing off little 35 pound golden babies.

During the summer, they leisurely graze and move through seven sacred fields constantly moving as in olden days.

In early September, the bulls begin the rutting season. The dominant bulls are challenged by the smaller younger bulls. In the end, the largest, bravest and most powerful bulls will dominate and create through the natural course of nature...a stronger healthier bison herd.


Tours into the herd leave every hour on the hour with the last tour at 3:00 PM. Please call ahead for large groups.
(260) 495-0137

White Pine Lodge

Our lodge is open all year-round with reservations made through the gift shop . Messages for reservations will be returned no later than the following day.

Summer Hours

May - October
Our gift shop is open the first weekend in May through the last weekend in October. We are open Wednesday through Sunday (closed Monday and Tuesday or by appointment). Gates open at 10:00 AM and close at 4:00 PM.

Winter Schedule

Our gift shop and tours are available Saturdays all winter from 10:00AM until 4:00 PM. Bison are majestic in the snow!
6975 N Ray Rd, Fremont, IN 46737
(260) 495-0137
©2019 Wild Winds Buffalo Preserve. All Rights Reserved.